Toddler Activities to Get You Through Pregnancy Exhaustion

It's one thing to go through your first pregnancy, but it's quite another to go through a pregnancy with a toddler on your heels.

In general, women need 7-9 hours of sleep per night. If you are pregnant, this will add a few more hours. But when you have a toddler, it's nearly impossible to get a good night's sleep.

Pregnancy while raising a toddler is a whole new exhaustion. There's no time to slouch or rest swollen feet from morning sickness. So finding ways to keep your kids busy with little effort will be your lifeline.

So what activities can you offer your kids so they can stand up, or at least sit down? Here are 5 activities to get you out of pregnancy fatigue:

1.     Puzzle or board game: When you're pregnant, anything you do sitting down is a victory. Grab some jigsaw puzzles or board games.

2.     Water play: Let your child find all the toys he thinks he needs to bathe. Throw away what doesn't go into the water, and fill up the sink as a bathtub. Let them scrub and wash toys to clean them.

3.     Cardboard boxes: Cardboard boxes are a great way to spark your imagination, and you probably have some on hand now when you buy a new crib or changing table. Let them build a house or study and let them put their favorite things in it. This will keep her busy for hours.

4.     Eye Spy: Play the game. Spy on an object, and every time you guess, let your child touch what they guessed. This will consume some energy and keep you entertained for a while.

5.     Make a rice bin: Fill a vat or a box with rice and bury some "treasures" in it. Let your toddler dig for treasure in the bucket.

If your child has already done these activities and you're not sure how to come up with more, here are some ideas that might help:

•        Encourage independent play: Keep a toy box nearby and place toys or drawing materials on it. This way they can play independently while you rest on the couch.

•        Good screen: In general, it is recommended to limit screen time. However, in extreme cases, such as pregnancy exhaustion and babysitting, it's okay to extend this period so you can take a break.

•        Get out and about: When you're tired, it may be ideal for your child to sit on the porch and explore the backyard. Why not get them a sandpit? This allows you to be entertained for longer while relaxing.

•        Sleeping naps: This may sound like a cliché like "baby naps while sleeping," but it will give you the energy you need to get through the afternoon.

•        Ask for help: When all else fails, ask for help so you can catch up.

Most importantly, be kind to yourself. Your body goes through many changes, and increasing maternal guilt wastes precious energy. It's okay if your child uses an iPad or watches more TV than usual. They'll be fine. The key now is for them to be nurtured, safe and loved as they continue to grow as human beings. It's not forever, once you get your energy back; you'll be the mother you want to be again.