Postpartum Depression

Meta description

"Have you recently had a baby and felt sad, nervous or depressed despite being happy? It's typical. Read on to learn more about postpartum depression."

In some cases, new mothers experience depression or depression in the weeks after giving birth, making it difficult to perform daily household chores and baby care. If left untreated, postpartum depression can worsen and harm the mother, child, and family. Fortunately, there are several solutions.

What Causes Postpartum Depression?

According to most doctors, the rapid drop in hormone levels after childbirth is the same swing that causes mood swings during menstruation. Combined with other lifestyle and psychological variables, younger mothers are more likely to suffer from depression. If a woman has a history of depression or additional stress after giving birth, such as, for example, lack of support, illness, relocation, unemployment, or the death of a loved one, your risk may be increased.

What are the symptoms of postpartum depression?

1. Cry over minor triggers

2. Mood swings or irritability

3. No attachment to the baby

4. Insomnia even when you're exhausted

5. Brain fog

The most common treatments for postpartum depression

treat. During therapy, you'll talk to a mental health therapist, psychologist, or counselor to discover techniques you can use to change how depression affects the way you think, feel, and behave.

drug. There are several medications used to treat postpartum depression. They must all be recommended by your doctor or nurse. Antidepressants are the most common category.

Antidepressants can help relieve symptoms of depression, and some can be used while breastfeeding. It can take several weeks for antidepressants to start working.

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). In severe cases, this can be used to treat postpartum depression.

These agents can be used alone or in combination. Talk to your doctor or nurse about the benefits and dangers of taking antidepressants while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Finding Emotional Support Is Crucial

Some women are reluctant to share their deep feelings with others and instead seek out loved ones, especially husbands, which may be one of the most effective ways to begin recovery. Depression can be especially difficult for partners who have more family and parenting responsibilities. Open up to your spouse and let them know what you need, whether you think it's counseling, depression medication, a support group, more support, or just making time for yourself.

Depression can strike any woman during (or after) pregnancy, regardless of your ability to be a good mother. If you suspect that you may have postpartum depression, you need to seek treatment for your baby's and your own health.